A Part of the Solution

“As a result of this guidance, I start every morning on my knees, thanking God for three things: I’m alive, I’m sober, and I’m a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Then I try to live an “attitude of gratitude” and thoroughly enjoy another twenty-four hours of the A.A. way of life. A.A. is not something I joined; it’s something I live. – Daily Reflections 2/24/15

Through taking direction and working steps day after day I try to keep things as simple as this quote suggests. When I stay in gratitude, no matter what is happening,  I invite abundance into my life and I’m able to be part of the solution. 

My problems seem to melt away if I can stay grateful and take the next right indicated actions which I get from my sponsor, spiritual work, prayer/meditation, meetings, and program friends. I have to live it all day, everyday, or I give my disease a chance to start talking me into fear, anxiety, and worry. 

So grateful we have a solution. ILML!

– JasonW

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