Today I Trust Myself

“When you have to convince yourself that what you see, what you feel, what you think is not true… you could get into a lot trouble!” – Until Today

Occasionally we find ourselves in a situation where we know instinctively that things aren’t right, that they need to change, and if they don’t, we need to leave. That inner voice is our Higher Power. It wants the best for us. Sometimes, someone else attempts to convince us that our perception is wrong, that we are wrong, and that everything is ok. At those moments we have a choice: listen to our intuition or deny what we know is true, and pay the price. We’ve all done this before and it always ends up in more hurt. The next time I’m uncomfortable and know things must change, I’ll believe myself and get into action. Because when I’m spiritually fit, emotionally healthy, and I trust myself, ILML! 

– JamieQ

3 thoughts on “Today I Trust Myself

    • Camille I’m so happy my words and recovery have made a difference. Being able to give back, having something kind and helpful to offer, is the greatest gift besides sobriety of recovery.

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